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Serie KM50

Serie KM50

Monitoraggio energetico fronte quadro per un’ottima visibilità

KM50 è in grado di misurare potenza attiva sia generata che consumata (misura bi-direzionale), corrente, tensione, frequenza, potenza reattiva sia capacitiva che induttiva, fattore di potenza, oltre ad altri valori.

  • Facilita l'analisi volta al risparmio energetico con la funzionalità integrata di classificazione dell’energia.
  • Misurazioni ad alta precisione anche per correnti inferiori al 5% del valore nominale grazie alla commutazione automatica del range.
  • In grado di misurare e distinguere energia consumata e generata.
  • Misurazione di potenza reattiva e fattore di potenza.
  • Integrazione della misurazione degli impulsi e conversione diretta per misurare i KPI di gestione energetica (ad es., n. di pezzi / kWh).
  • Non richiede trasformatore di tensione grazie al rilevamento di tensione diretto trasformatori di corrente apribili
  • Display a colori
  • Comunicazioni Modbus
  • Registrazione dei dati integrata

Caratteristiche ed info per ordinare

Ordering information

KM50-E Smart power monitor

Applicable circuits

Power supply voltage (shared)




Order code

Single-phase, two wire: 100 to 480 VAC

Single-phase, three wire: 100/200 VAC

Three-phase, three wire: 100 to 480 VAC

Three-phase, four wire: 85 to 277 VAC

100 to 240 VAC

96 × 48 × 93 (H × W × D)


CompoWay/F: 31 nodes,
Modbus: 99 nodes
(Both are supported by the same model.)



Rated primary current

Rated secondary current


Order code

5 A

Special output

Installed separately


50 A


100 A


200 A


400 A


600 A


Note: CT cables are not included with the CTs.

CT Cable

Cable length

Order code

3 m


Note: Either use the CT Cable specified by OMRON or use 1.25-B3A crimp terminals and AWG22 wire from J.S.T. Mfg. Co., Ltd.





Applicable circuit

Single-phase two wire, single-phase three wire, three-phase three wire and three-phase four wire power

Rated power supply voltage

100 to 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz

Allowable supply voltage range

85% to 110% of rated power supply voltage

Allowable frequency range

45 to 65 Hz

Power consumption

7 VA max.

Rated input

Rated input voltage

100 to 480 VAC (single-phase, 2-wire): Line voltage

100/200 VAC (single-phase, 3-wire): Phase voltage/line voltage

100 to 480 VAC (3-phase, 3-wire): Line voltage

58 to 277 VAC (3-phase, 4-wire): Phase voltage

Rated input current

5 A, 50 A, 100 A, 200 A, 400 A, or 600 A (primary current of Special CT)

1. A special output signal is output as the secondary current from the Special CT.

Rated frequency

50/60 Hz

Rated input power

With 5-A CT: 4 kW

With 100-A CT: 80 kW

With 400-A CT: 320 kW

With 50-A CT: 40 kW

With 200-A CT: 160 kW

With 600-A CT: 480 kW

Allowable input voltage

110% of rated input voltage (continuous)

Allowable input current

120% of rated input current (continuous)

Ambient operating temperature

10 to 55°C (with no condensation or icing)

Storage temperature

25 to 65°C (with no condensation or icing)

Ambient and storage operation humidity

25% to 85%

Installation environment

Overvoltage category and measurement category: 2, Pollution level: 2


Smart power monitor





± 1.0% FS ± 1 digit (at ambient temperature of 23°C, rated input, and rated frequency).

However, the accuracy is ± 2.0% FS ± 1 digit for the Vtr line voltage for three-phase, three wire power and the Vrs line voltage for single-phase, three wire power under the same conditions.


± 1.0% FS ± 1 digit (at ambient temperature of 23°C, rated input, and rated frequency).

However, the accuracy is ± 2.0% FS ± 1 digit for the phase-S current for three-phase, three wire power and the phase-N current for single-phase, three wire power under the same conditions.

Active power
Reactive power

± 2.0% FS ± 1 digit (at ambient temperature of 23°C, rated input, rated frequency, and a power factor of 1)

Reactive power formula: Reactive power = v × i × sin θ

“v” is the instantaneous voltage and “i” is the instantaneous current.
θ is the phase difference between the voltage and current.


± 0.3 Hz ± 1 digit (at ambient temperature of 23°C, rated input, and rated frequency)

Power factor

± 5.0% FS ± 1 digit (at ambient temperature of 23°C, rated input, rated frequency, and power factor = 0.5 to 1 to 0.5)

Power factor formula: Power factor = Active power/Apparent power



± 5°C two hours after the power is turned ON (after setting the offset to match the ambient environment)


Communications method

RS-485 (two wire half-duplex)

Sync method


Unit number setting

CompoWay/F: 0 to 99, Modbus: 1 to 99

Baud rate

1.2, 2.4, 4.8, 9.6, 19.2, 38.4 kbps

Transmission code

CompoWay/F: ASCII, Modbus: Binary

Data length

7, 8 bits

Stop bit length

1, 2 bits

Vertical parity

Even, odd, or none

Maximum transmission distance

500 m

Maximum number of connected Power Monitors

CompoWay/F: 31, Modbus: 99










Rated primary current

5 A

50 A

100 A

200 A

400 A

600 A

Secondary winding

3,000 turns

6,000 turns

9,000 turns

Application frequency

10 Hz to 5 kHz

Insulation resistance

Between output terminal and external case: 50 M Ω min. (at 500 VDC)

Dielectric strength

Between output terminal and external case: 2,000 VAC for 1 min

Protective element

7.5 V clamp element

Allowable number of connections/disconnections

100 times

Inner diameter

10 dia.

16 dia.

24 dia.

37 dia.

Operating temperature and humidity range

20 to 60°C 85% (with no condensation)

Storage temperature and humidity range

30 to 65°C 85% (with no condensation)

1. A special output signal is output as the secondary current from the Special CT.

1. A special output signal is output as the secondary current from the Special CT.

Come possiamo aiutarti?

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+39 02 32681

Contattaci Serie KM50

ATTENZIONE! Non utilizzare questo modulo di contatto per i prodotti medicali Omron, per i quali vi invitiamo a consultare il sito Corman alla sezione Assistenza Tecnica.

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Purtroppo abbiamo problemi tecnici. Il tuo modulo non è stato ricevuto correttamente. Ci scusiamo per l'inconveniete e ti chiediamo per favore di riprovare più tardi.

+39 02 32681
+39 02 32681
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Richiedi un preventivo

Preventivo per Serie KM50

Tramite questo modulo può richiedere un'offerta relativa al prodotto prescelto. Completi, per favore, i campi contrassegnati con *. I suoi dati personali verranno trattati secondo le normative vigenti. Le ricordo che il minimo importo fatturabile è di 400 € a cui bisogna aggiungere 25 € di spese amministrative.

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Dati personali

Serie KM50

Text error notification

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Grazie per averci richiesto un'offerta. Vi risponderemo non appena possibile.

Purtroppo abbiamo problemi tecnici. Il tuo modulo non è stato ricevuto correttamente. Ci scusiamo per l'inconveniete e ti chiediamo per favore di riprovare più tardi.

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Area di download

EasyKM-Manager v3.01 Software
en ZIP 9,54 MB

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