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Sustainable Manufacturing

Green is key: sustainability in battery manufacturing for E-mobility

Pubblicato il 05 febbraio 2020 a Sustainable Manufacturing

How can automation solutions with artificial intelligence help optimize maintenance and production for sustainable manufacturing?

Today, sustainability is no longer a niche topic, but something that companies are integrating into their business strategies. Not only are sustainability practices necessary to answer the changing demands of consumers, the marketplace and governments, they are also increasingly being seen as a competitive strength. That’s because sustainability practices reduce energy consumption and waste, and also help companies use their resources more efficiently. They even help companies optimize their manufacturing agility and enable them to respond to fluctuating demand and the growing need for personalization. And finally, sustainability can play an important role in acquiring and retaining customers, as well in developing new market opportunities.

Example E-mobility: pouch battery production of the future

One area where we can shape the market with a sustainable manufacturing approach is battery cell production. In Europe, suppliers need to step up their game and compete with other regions with better quality, more efficient production and optimized use of resources. Our goal is to help suppliers save ten percent of excess material. As E-mobility moves forward, more advanced battery technologies are being developed to increase the reliability, safety, and operation of vehicles. In the widely used cylindrical cells, the active layers are wrapped around the inner electrode. In contrast, in pouch cells, the stacked layers are enclosed by a flexible outer foil, usually made of aluminum. Such pouch batteries meet some of the most important current requirements for the automotive industry. For example, they are easier to install in vehicles because of their flat and more flexible shape. They also offer longer battery life and are less susceptible to damage from electrical charging and discharging. At the same time, these batteries are safer and more consistent at lower cell temperatures.
However, the production of pouch cells is also more complex and much more demanding than the production of cylindrical batteries. This in turn places special demands on production. Manufacturers are turning to production processes supported by artificial intelligence to optimize machine efficiency and to ensure zero-defect production. Omron’s AI, sensing, control, security and robotics solutions support the reliable, sustainable and high-quality production of pouch batteries. In addition, we support manufacturers with self-contained, battery cell inspection solutions that are fully integrated in the line, as well as solutions for electrode and battery module manufacturing. Our automation solutions can help streamline leak and vacuum testing, as well as provide end-to-end traceability throughout the lifetime of the battery cell.
Automation solutions with artificial intelligence can fulfill all customer requirements for product quality and predictive maintenance, helping manufacturers to achieve sustainability goals. While battery manufacturers must adapt to the constant state of change in the E-mobility market, they need production lines that can be adapted faster and more flexibly than before to meet the changing requirements. This can be achieved with innovative automation solutions that also ensure quality and reduce waste, ensuring sustainability.

Process and plant control with predictive maintenance and AI

Operational excellence requires reliable, safe and high-quality manufacturing. Manufacturers must predict problems in their production lines better than ever to avoid production stoppages or quality issues. In this context, artificial intelligence is a key technology with advanced predictive maintenance solutions for machines as well as production lines. Powerful AI controllers operating at the Edge of the machine, together with smart sensors integrated in the production lines can react in real-time to potential issues on the machine, right where the data is generated. Using AI and smart devices, operators can stay on top of the current production status, and prevent production downtime, while ensuring product quality. AI along the manufacturing chain with predictive maintenance and process control helps to make manufacturing processes sustainable, extending machine lifespan and optimizing resources.

Sustainability in practice at Omron

For Omron, sustainable manufacturing is closely linked to innovative technologies, especially in the context of artificial intelligence. In addition, we offer energy management solutions for entire production lines and processes as well as applications for example in the field of temperature and motion control. By using such solutions, energy consumption can in many cases be reduced by up to 50 percent.
Environmental protection should be part of corporate responsibility. Already in May 2002, Omron launched its own environmental protection concept "Green Omron 21" . The goal of this vision is to contribute to the sustainable development of society, while at the same time maximize ‘value added’ as a company in the long term. Factory automation is a critical element in vehicle manufacturing as well as food production. In energy management, the introduction of renewable energy resources needs to be promoted and CO2 emissions reduced. Together with our partners, we intend to promote the use of power inverters and battery systems in favor of a cleaner environment.

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